1 |
Dr. Krishna Kumar |
Assistant Professor & HOD |
Department of Anaesthesia |
An Assessment of The Efficacy of Transdermal Diclofenac
Sodium Patch versus Transdermal Ketoprofen Patch for Relief of Acute Post-Operative Pain in
Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
20.09.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(12); Page 17-22 |
2 |
Dr. Krishna Kumar |
Assistant Professor & HOD |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Comparative Assessment of Dexmedetomidine-Fentanyl and
Dexmedetomidine-Pentazocine for Monitored Anesthesia Care during Tympanoplasty Surgery: A Randomized
Clinical Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
25.08.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(08); Page 532-536 |
3 |
Dr. Krishna Kumar |
Assistant Professor & HOD |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Effects of Intravenous Ondasetron and Granisetron on
Hemodynamic Changes and Motor and Sensory Blockade Induced by Spinal Anesthesia in Parturients
Undergoing Cesarean Section |
International Journal Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research |
25.06.2023 |
IJPCR 2023; 15(7); Page 618-622 |
4 |
Dr. Rahul Kumar |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Prospective Non-Randomized Comparative Assessment of the
Postoperative Analgesic Efficacy of Epidural Ropivacaine and Ropivacaine with Tramadol in Patients
Undergoing Abdominal Surgeries |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
06.04.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(4); Page 113-120 |
5 |
Dr. Rahul Kumar |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Randomized Prospective Double-Blind Study Assessing
Efficacy of the Dexmedetomidine on Haemodynamic Stress Response during Laryngoscopy and Intubation
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
15.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(8); Page 223-228 |
6 |
Dr. Rahul Kumar |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Based Comparative Clinical Assessment of
Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate and Lignocaine in Attenuation of Pressor Response to Laryngoscopy and
Endotracheal Intubation |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
26.03.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(3); Page 110-119 |
7 |
Dr. Anant Prakash |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Randomized Prospective Double-Blind Study Assessing
Efficacy of the Dexmedetomidine on Haemodynamic Stress Response during Laryngoscopy and Intubation
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
15.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(8); Page 223-228 |
8 |
Dr. Anant Prakash |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Prospective Non-Randomized Comparative Assessment of the
Postoperative Analgesic Efficacy of Epidural Ropivacaine and Ropivacaine with Tramadol in Patients
Undergoing Abdominal Surgeries |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
06.04.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(4); Page 113-120 |
9 |
Dr. Anant Prakash |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Based Comparative Clinical Assessment of
Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate and Lignocaine in Attenuation of Pressor Response to Laryngoscopy and
Endotracheal Intubation |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
26.03.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(3); Page 110-119 |
10 |
Dr. Shruti Kirti |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Post Operative Analgesic Effect of Adductor Canal Block,
Peri-Articular injection or Infiltration between Popliteal Artery and Posterior Knee Capsule with
Adductor Canal Block in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Comparative Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
25.06.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 735-739 |
11 |
Dr. Shruti Kirti |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Comparative Study of Dexamethasone and Dexmedetomidine as
Adjuvants to Bupivacaine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block in Upper Limb Surgeries |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research |
19.08.2023 |
IJPCR 2023; 15(8); Page 1643-1647 |
12 |
Dr. Shruti Kirti |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
An Assessment of Three Different Plane Block Techniques
in the management of Post-Operative Pain Relief after Thoracotomy: A Comparative Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
22.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(11); Page 745-750 |
13 |
Dr. Shruti Kirti |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Comparative Study of Intrathecal Fentanyl and
Buprenorphine as an Adjuvant to 0.5% Hyperberic Bupivacaine in Spinal Anaesthesia for Lower Abdominal
and Lower Limb Surgery in Adults |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research |
18.08.2023 |
IJPCR 2023; 15(8); Page 1625-1629 |
14 |
Dr. Vikram Nath |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Randomized Clinical Comparative Assessment of Granisetron
Versus Pethidine for the Prevention of Perioperative Shivering Under Spinal Anesthesia |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
20.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 228-232 |
15 |
Dr. Vikram Nath |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Based Randomized Comparative Assessment of
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy under Spinal Anaesthesia vs General Anaesthesia |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
15.08.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 243-248 |
16 |
Dr. Amrit Kumar |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Based Randomized Comparative Assessment of
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy under Spinal Anaesthesia vs General Anaesthesia |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
15.08.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 243-248 |
17 |
Dr. Amrit Kumar |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Randomized Clinical Comparative Assessment of Granisetron
Versus Pethidine for the Prevention of Perioperative Shivering Under Spinal Anesthesia |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
20.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 228-232 |
18 |
Dr. Rajeev Krishan |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Post Operative Analgesic Effect of Adductor Canal Block,
Peri-Articular injection or Infiltration between Popliteal Artery and Posterior Knee Capsule with
Adductor Canal Block in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Comparative Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
25.06.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(10); Page 735-739 |
19 |
Dr. Rajeev Krishan |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
An Assessment of Three Different Plane Block Techniques
in the management of Post-Operative Pain Relief after Thoracotomy: A Comparative Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
22.07.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(11); Page 745-750 |
20 |
Dr. Rajeev Krishan |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Randomised clinical assessment of inj. Rocuronium with
priming dose and inj. Rocuronium without priming in patients undergoing general anaesthesia |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
25.03.2024 |
IJCPRR Manuscript No: 89 |
21 |
Dr. Rajeev Krishan |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A clinical assessment of efficacy and hemodynamic
stability of propofol-ketamine and propofol-fentanyl in patients undergoing dilatation and curettage:
A Comparative Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
18.04.2024 |
IJCPRR Manuscript No: 62 |
22 |
Dr. Sushant Satya Priya |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Hospital Based Clinical Assessment of Perioperative
Effect of Spinal Anaesthesia on Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopaedic
Surgeries |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
21.01.2024 |
IJCPRR 2024; 16(1); Page 158-163 |
23 |
Dr. Sushant Satya Priya |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
An Observational Study to Investigate the Incidence and
Diagnostic Validity of Difficult Airways in Emergency Department |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
20.09.20223 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(11); Page 562-567 |
24 |
Dr. Sushant Satya Priya |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Comparison of Crystalloid Preloading and Co-Loading for
Hypotension Prevention During Elective Caesarean Section Under Spinal Anaesthesia |
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine |
EJMCM Volume 10, Issue 02, 2023 |
25 |
Dr. Sushant Satya Priya |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Diabetes Mellitus and the Outcome of Critically Ill
Patients: A Record-Based, Observational Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
28.01.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(2); Page 38-42 |
26 |
Dr. Sushant Satya Priya |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Base Study to Assess the Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction: An Observational
Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
28.11.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(12); Page 498-503 |
27 |
Dr. Anshuman |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Hospital Based Clinical Assessment of Perioperative
Effect of Spinal Anaesthesia on Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopaedic
Surgeries |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
21.01.2024 |
IJCPRR 2024; 16(1); Page 158-163 |
28 |
Dr. Anshuman |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
An Observational Study to Investigate the Incidence and
Diagnostic Validity of Difficult Airways in Emergency Department |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
20.09.20223 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(11); Page 562-567 |
29 |
Dr. Anshuman |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Comparison of Crystalloid Preloading and Co-Loading for
Hypotension Prevention During Elective Caesarean Section Under Spinal Anaesthesia |
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine |
EJMCM Volume 10, Issue 02, 2023 Page 910-914 |
30 |
Dr. Anshuman |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
Diabetes Mellitus and the Outcome of Critically Ill
Patients: A Record-Based, Observational Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
28.01.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(2); Page 38-42 |
31 |
Dr. Anshuman |
Senior Resident |
Department of Anaesthesia |
A Hospital Base Study to Assess the Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction: An Observational
Study |
International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research
28.11.2023 |
IJCPRR 2023; 15(12); Page 498-503 |